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Crisis in the Horn of Africa

Across the eastern Horn of Africa, more than 12 million people—a number greater than the populations of Houston and New York City combined—are now in need of emergency assistance to survive.

As a result of the region's worst drought in 60 years, crops have failed, livestock have died, and prices in local markets are too high for most people to buy what is needed to feed their families. Millions of people are affected in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, and especially in Somalia.

The United Nations has already announced that famine exists in two regions of Somalia. As the situation has grown more dire, over 600,000 Somalis have fled to neighboring countries, some walking hundreds of miles to refugee camps in search of food and water. Nearly half of the children arriving at the camps are acutely malnourished; all are in need of emergency assistance and support for the extremely difficult weeks and months ahead.


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